Thursday, June 15, 2006

Widdecombe & Galloway...

Not the name of a new two partner firm of tax advisers, but just two of the signatories to Early Day Motion 2262. If what we are saying commands the respect (sic) of both arch-Conservative Ann Widdecombe and old-style Broad Left (those were the days...) George Galloway, it must be right. I mean, correct...

There are 70 signatories now, a very respectable score for a motion that is criticising current government policy. If you haven't contacted your MP yet, please do - even though Carter is in the process of reviewing the evidence it is possible that he will finish before the House rises for the summer recess, so it would be good to have as many signatures as possible on it.

There's more in this week's magazine; particularly explaining that this review by Lord Carter should not be underestimated, it's not an off-the-cuff remark that he's made just to make us feel better about it. It's not by any means a done deal yet, but it is clear that some movement is on the cards.

Meanwhile I'm off this afternoon to see England v Trinidad & Tobago on the big screen at a Baker Tilly party in Crawley. It's a hard life being Taxation editor...


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