Friday, June 02, 2006

Transposition error

There's always got to be one howler...

In this week's issue, 1 June, page 241 we ask you to write to your MPs to sign the EDM. Unfortunately we've said it is EDM 2622, when actually it is 2262. Sorry; they should find it anyway because it's going to be near the top of the list, but if you have read this before writing please change it. We've changed it on the website.

Get writing or emailing if you haven't already; the more MPs sign the bigger the impact the EDM will have. Post a comment here to let us know who you have been in touch with.

One of the comments below says that government ministers won't sign EDMs, which is true. It's also true that you can only write to your 'own' MP. However, you can be a bit creative about this. If you live in one constituency where a government minister is the MP but work in another where the MP is a Labour backbencher, write to the one where you work.

Meanwhile, the joint bodies have released their research findings. 89% of respondents were against the change to the deadlines. 92% expected provisional returns to increase. 66% thought they would have difficulty in recruiting the extra staff required, and 71% expected to have to cancel staff summer holidays. Maybe we should be getting the hoteliers of Devon and Cornwall to support us...


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