Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Early Day Motion

Most of today has gone on trying to find MPs to sponsor an Early Day Motion (EDM) on the No to November campaign, and on trying to draft it. It's all a rather arcane process, as you might expect. Although technically it is a motion before the House of Commons, in practice it is unlikely to ever get heard, but the number of signatures it attracts will show ministers the strength of support.

For some unknown reason an EDM has to be one sentence, and no more than 250 words. Never has the need for colons and semi-colons been greater...! We're also trying to get all-party support, so that MPs don't feel that it is a party issue when they are asked to sign it.

We're not quite there yet, but I think we will be soon - as soon as I have more news I'll post it here. Once the EDM is tabled, you will all need to email and write to your MPs to persuade them to sign it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote to my MP but he is a Govmt Minister and cannot sign EDM's

8:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote to my MP but he is a Govmt Minister and cannot sign EDM's

8:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wrote to my MP but he is a Govmt Minister and cannot sign EDM's

8:00 pm  

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