Thursday, May 25, 2006

Support EDM 2262!

We have our Early Day Motion! EDM 2262 calls on the government to withdraw the proposed change and to consult with the profession before bringing in any further proposals. It has cross party support: Mark Hoban and Mark Francois from the Conservatives, Vincent Cable and Lorely Burt from the Lib Dems, and Rudi Vis and David Taylor from Labour.

Unless you live in their constituencies (in which case you might like to write and thank them) PLEASE write to your MP during this week and ask them to sign the motion. The House of Commons is in recess for a week; we want each MP to receive dozens of separate messages during that time asking them to sign up, so that when they go back they will all be supporting the motion.

It wasn't the best day to be putting the final touches to something like this, having spent last night partying at the Taxation Awards until 2.00 am. The office is full of rather quiet people this morning, nursing large black coffees ... We should have some pictures of over 700 tax practitioners letting their hair down on the website shortly - . Congratulations to all the winners, better luck next time to the unsuccessful nominees.


Blogger charles said...

I hope you have more luck with your EDM than CAMRA had with theirs.
More power to your elbow.

10:29 pm  

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