Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sign language

Thanks to all who have written to their MPs over the recess; the number of MPs who have signed EDM 2262 has shot up to 36. If you haven't got round to writing yet, please do, and encourage all your colleagues to write as well.

You can reassure MPs that it is an all-party motion, with support from Labour back-benchers as well as those from the Opposition parties. The number of MPs who have already signed should help persuade others that they should sign too.

I'm writing this while taking a break from writing an article for next week's magazine on tax credits. As far as I can see, the new £25,000 disregard means that for many self-employed claimants, spending money on a one-off expense this year will at worst cost them very little in disposable income, and at best will actually make them money... With £1.8 billion overpaid last year, there are surely better things for the government to do than make a change to tax return deadlines which no-one has asked for?


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